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Journal Issue 2.1
Spring 2010
Edited by Deanna Utroske, Julie Ann Salthouse, Jillian Hernandez, and
Karen Alexander
Editorial Assistant: Katherine O’Connor

  About the Reviewers

Catherine Raissiguier teaches Women’s and Gender Studies at New Jersey City University. She is the author Becoming Women/Becoming Workers: Identity Formation in a French High School (Albany: SUNY Press, 1994) and Re-Inventing the Republic: Gender, Migration, and Citizenship in France (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2010).


Susan Richmond

Ruth Nicole Brown

Porshe Renee Garner

Régine Jean-Charles

Cynthia R. Daniels


Joan Grassbaugh Forry

Laurie Schaffner

Catherine Raissiguier

Felicity Shaeffer-Grabiel

Alexandra Hidalgo


Karen W. Tice

Jennifer L. Fluri

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